Thursday, October 18, 2012

French Bread/Bread Sticks/Soup Bowls

2 1/2 cups warm water
2 tlbs. sugar
2 tlbs. yeast
1 tlbs. salt
2 tlbs. oil
6 cups flour

In bowl combine water, sugar and yeast.  Let sit about 5 min.

Add 3 cups flour, oil, and salt.  Stir vigorously.  Add remaining 3 cups of flour and mix well.  Let stand 10 min.  Stir down.  Repeat process 5 times.  Flour surface and knead until can be handled.  Divide in half.  Roll out into two rectangles.  Roll up, pinch seams, and let rise until double in size.  Cut 3 slits on top and bake at 375 degrees 25-30 min.

Breadsticks cook at 400 degrees for 10 min.

Source: Sarah Lund

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